All forms have now been completed, notarised, signed, sealed and delivered to the US Embassy in London. Thanks to everyone who has assisted in this. Ginger's petition to bring an "Alien Fiance'" (yes, I've heard the jokes!) has been approved so it's up to me to now get accepted at an interview at the Embassy. The date of my interview has yet to be determined, but based on onformation from others going through this process I'm expecting it to be 4-8 weeks from now.
Before the interview, i have to pass a medical to ensure I don't have any nasty, pestilent diseases which i'll transport over there. Makes me sound like a piece of fruit! I have that booked for the 17th of April ... and yes ... it's in London. The Embassy are insistant that their designated doctors carry out the exam, so it has to be down there. I'm just doing a day trip on the 17th as my appointment is early afternoon. Early flight down to Gatwick then flight back in the evening. Was hoping to catch up with some of you in the big smoke, but this will need to wait till the actual interview.
Got a couple of Estate Agents coming round on Monday and Tuesday so will hopefully get the flat on the market some time next week. It's looking good - again, thanks for the help for those who have, much appreiated. Hoping i'll get a relatively quick sale - it's an excellent first time buyers or buy-to-let option, and also has great potential for someone willing to invest in new windows, kitchen etc and sell it on. Selling all the white goods, curtains etc with it too. Have found new homes for some of my furniture, but if anyone local needs any clock radios, DVD players, lamps, cushions, kitchen appliances, rugs, towels etc let me know - it will all be charity shop bound if i don't have any takers.
As for setting a wedding date, I'm afraid that is still in the air. I really don't anticipate any issues with my interview, but I am loathe to set a date before it. I also need to make sure the flat is sold before I can go. Current financial plans involve using hthe profit from the sale to get me set up over there. I will let everyone know a date as soon as I possibly can though.
So, the great immigration adventure continues. It's hard work, expensive and slow, but isn't everything when you do it legally?
Take care all,
Ben xx
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