Sunday, 14 December 2008

Pussy Cat

So we recently added a 6 month old kitten to our household. Why? I have no idea... He is funny though, very sweet at times and certainly gives the dog some mental exercise. I got my way when it came to names, so he is called Jedi. I think Ginger gave in on this to insure that the name has been used, so we can't call any future children that ... Little does she know, always two there is... Anyway, the name Chewbacca still hasn't been used...

We've noticed something strange about him over the couple of weeks we've had him. He possesses none of the grace and balance familiar in the feline community. He's clumsy. He's fallen off chairs, off the sofa, off the bed. Each time he climbs up on our balcony railings it's heart in mouth time. We're only on the 1st floor so he should be okay if he falls, but given his balance issues, will he be able to turn?

Dixie, our 90lb Cane Corso Mastiff, has settled down now. She was beyond interested when he first arrived, but now he's just kinda boring to her. Doesn't stop her from having a good ol' sniff of his arse every now and again, but we do seem to have broken her chase instinct with regards to him. The squirrels and chipmunks around the place still need to be on guard though.

So wish us, and him, luck as we all get to know each other.

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