Monday 15 December 2008

Baseball in Britain - Fantasy Plays its Part

This is an article I wrote for Fantasy Baseball Cafe. It discusses differnet aspects of the sport in Britain and how they are intertwined.

Here is an extract:

'But Murray can’t be expected to comment on baseball. He’s British. Every true British sports fan knows that baseball is just for the Yanks. Brits see it as impossible to understand, and not worth the effort of trying anyway. They haven’t seen it on the television, nor heard it on the radio and they certainly haven’t read about it in the Times whilst enjoying their toast and tea of a morning. It’s extremely unlikely that after checking the headlines on the BBC website, they are clicking to Yahoo! or ESPN to check how their baseball keeper league team fared overnight. All that being said, they probably do have a Yankee cap somewhere in the closet. What a world…'

To read the full article, please click here.

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